Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 01:45:11 Higher Education Leadership and Future Strategies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 33:26 Instrumentalizing Architecture and Technology to help transform local communities – Logman Arja
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 47:39 The relationship between the Passenger, Airline and the Airport – Husam Kashif and Ali Sidahmed
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 22:02 Importance of remote learning in India in the wake of Covid-19: issues, challenges & way forward
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 33:26 Instrumentalizing Architecture and Technology to help transform local communities – Logman Arja
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 17:52 Combating desertification in Sudan: experiences and lessons learned Dr. Sarra A M Saad
Watch LaterAdded 19:33 Energy security, oil and renewable energy: technology transfer and development
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 14:49 Ramadan fasting among pregnant women with diabetes: An international neglected phenomenon
Watch LaterAdded 35:50 Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Higher Education in Sudan — VC Prof. Mohamed Taha
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 02:07:47 Investment in Essential Infrastructure in Sudan الأستثمار في أساسيات البنية التحتية في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 25:20 Understanding the attitude of generation Y towards transport apps in Dubai – Prof Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 01:24:29 Dr. Salma Elfaki, Lead First Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine trial on Children, Orlando, Florida, USA
Watch LaterAdded 10:20 Prof. Allam Ahmed Interview “Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals Despite the Pandemic”
Watch LaterAdded 25:57 اسرا اميرأشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 02:07:47 Investment in Essential Infrastructure in Sudan الأستثمار في أساسيات البنية التحتية في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 13:48 Higher Education Leadership during Covid-19: A case of Qatar – Dr. Hend Al Muftah
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 28:39 Women empowerment: breaking barriers towards intergenerational trauma – Nurulayn Noor
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 23:25 The impact of e-commerce on gross value of output in Iranian manufacturing SMEs
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 28:39 Women empowerment: breaking barriers towards intergenerational trauma – Nurulayn Noor
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:58:32 Future of Higher Education in MENA Conference – Teaching and Learning Quality and Excellence
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 13:48 Higher Education Leadership during Covid-19: A case of Qatar – Dr. Hend Al Muftah
Watch LaterAdded 46:16 The entrepreneurial university in the post Covid-19 era – Dr. Motaz A Alsolaim
Watch LaterAdded 01:06:40 لقاء مع اصيل دياب اول رسامة جرافيتي من السودان وقطر و رسومات شهداء ثورة ديسمبر المجيدة في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 35:50 Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Higher Education in Sudan — VC Prof. Mohamed Taha
Watch LaterAdded 46:13 Health in all policies and opportunities in the wider health system – DR. MUNA ABDEL AZIZ
GRID DEFAULT – 1 COLUMN GRID DEFAULT – 1 COLUMN AllSportTechnologyTechnology Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 2021 04.8K20 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021 07.7K14K1
Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 2021 04.8K20
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021 07.7K14K1