Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 01:45:11 Higher Education Leadership and Future Strategies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 33:26 Instrumentalizing Architecture and Technology to help transform local communities – Logman Arja
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 47:39 The relationship between the Passenger, Airline and the Airport – Husam Kashif and Ali Sidahmed
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 22:02 Importance of remote learning in India in the wake of Covid-19: issues, challenges & way forward
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 33:26 Instrumentalizing Architecture and Technology to help transform local communities – Logman Arja
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 17:52 Combating desertification in Sudan: experiences and lessons learned Dr. Sarra A M Saad
Watch LaterAdded 19:33 Energy security, oil and renewable energy: technology transfer and development
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 14:49 Ramadan fasting among pregnant women with diabetes: An international neglected phenomenon
Watch LaterAdded 35:50 Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Higher Education in Sudan — VC Prof. Mohamed Taha
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 02:07:47 Investment in Essential Infrastructure in Sudan الأستثمار في أساسيات البنية التحتية في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 25:20 Understanding the attitude of generation Y towards transport apps in Dubai – Prof Ghassan Abu-Lebdeh
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 01:24:29 Dr. Salma Elfaki, Lead First Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine trial on Children, Orlando, Florida, USA
Watch LaterAdded 10:20 Prof. Allam Ahmed Interview “Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals Despite the Pandemic”
Watch LaterAdded 25:57 اسرا اميرأشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 02:07:47 Investment in Essential Infrastructure in Sudan الأستثمار في أساسيات البنية التحتية في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 25:51 BEST OF SUDAN اسراء أمير أشهر شابة سودانية ببريطانيا تحلم بان يكون التعليم مجانا لأي طفل سوداني
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 13:48 Higher Education Leadership during Covid-19: A case of Qatar – Dr. Hend Al Muftah
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 28:39 Women empowerment: breaking barriers towards intergenerational trauma – Nurulayn Noor
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 23:25 The impact of e-commerce on gross value of output in Iranian manufacturing SMEs
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:27 Consultant in Public Health, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, UK – Dr. Mayada AbuAffan
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 24:18 Changing the perspective: providing better nutrition & food security for families in Brazil
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 29:36 The Role of Universities in Achieving Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries
Watch LaterAdded 28:39 Women empowerment: breaking barriers towards intergenerational trauma – Nurulayn Noor
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:58:32 Future of Higher Education in MENA Conference – Teaching and Learning Quality and Excellence
Watch LaterAdded 01:26:29 Languages & Social Policy Perspectives on Higher Education in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
Watch LaterAdded 13:48 Higher Education Leadership during Covid-19: A case of Qatar – Dr. Hend Al Muftah
Watch LaterAdded 46:16 The entrepreneurial university in the post Covid-19 era – Dr. Motaz A Alsolaim
Watch LaterAdded 01:06:40 لقاء مع اصيل دياب اول رسامة جرافيتي من السودان وقطر و رسومات شهداء ثورة ديسمبر المجيدة في السودان
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 21:47 Comparing Sudan to its peers in Africa and the Arab World with regard to Knowledge Economy
Watch LaterAdded 19:23 Creating virtuous cycles of transnational migration, remittances and sustainable development
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action
Watch LaterAdded 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay
Watch LaterAdded 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region
Watch LaterAdded 14:27 Benchmarking of academic studies of dietitians at King Abdulaziz University – DR. ELHAM ALJAALY
Watch LaterAdded 35:35 Challenges & stakes in remote teaching and research in light of the crisis – Prof Abdelfattah Ezzine
Watch LaterAdded 35:50 Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Higher Education in Sudan — VC Prof. Mohamed Taha
Watch LaterAdded 46:13 Health in all policies and opportunities in the wider health system – DR. MUNA ABDEL AZIZ
18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 202104.8K20
8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 202107.9K401
8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 202107.7K14K1
EXAMPLE 7 DESTINATION AllEuropeEurope Welcome remarks adminnewMarch 17, 2021 September 30, 2021 058110 Women and diversity in international arbitration adminnewMarch 16, 2018 September 26, 2021 Role of the private sector and the diaspora in achieving the 2030 SDGs adminnewFebruary 24, 2018 September 26, 2021 UN review of PPPs in the context of the 2030 Agenda for SD adminnewFebruary 25, 2018 September 26, 2021 The role of the private sector in improving health and wellbeing adminnewFebruary 24, 2018 September 26, 2021 SPORT Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 2021 04.8K20 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021 07.7K14K1 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 2021 07.9K401 Watch LaterAdded 09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 2021 06.7K60 A field experience in Global Health Nutrition adminnewAugust 2, 2019 September 26, 2021 04K30 A system wide approach to managing Covid-19, from a third world perspective – Dr. Mayada Abu Affan adminnewSeptember 22, 2020 September 26, 2021 03.8K00 NEW MOVIES Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 202104.8K20 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 202107.9K401 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 202107.7K14K1 FASHION Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 20214.8K2 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 2021 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021 09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 2021 TECHNOLOGY Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action adminnewOctober 9, 2018 October 5, 20214K2 22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain adminnewAugust 6, 2017 October 5, 2021 20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region adminnewDecember 6, 2021 December 6, 2021 19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay adminnewAugust 25, 2016 October 5, 2021 LATEST VIDEOS AllSportTechnologyTechnology Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 20214.8K2 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 20217.9K40 Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 20217.7K14K Watch LaterAdded 09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 20216.7K6 A field experience in Global Health Nutrition adminnewAugust 2, 2019 September 26, 20214K3 A system wide approach to managing Covid-19, from a third world perspective – Dr. Mayada Abu Affan adminnewSeptember 22, 2020 September 26, 20213.8K0
Role of the private sector and the diaspora in achieving the 2030 SDGs adminnewFebruary 24, 2018 September 26, 2021
UN review of PPPs in the context of the 2030 Agenda for SD adminnewFebruary 25, 2018 September 26, 2021
The role of the private sector in improving health and wellbeing adminnewFebruary 24, 2018 September 26, 2021
Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 2021 04.8K20
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021 07.7K14K1
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 2021 07.9K401
Watch LaterAdded 09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 2021 06.7K60
A system wide approach to managing Covid-19, from a third world perspective – Dr. Mayada Abu Affan adminnewSeptember 22, 2020 September 26, 2021 03.8K00
Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 202104.8K20
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 202107.9K401
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 202107.7K14K1
Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 20214.8K2
04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 2021
04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 2021
09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 2021
Watch LaterAdded 01:32:10 Affordable and clean energy; sustainable cities and communities; climate action adminnewOctober 9, 2018 October 5, 20214K2
22:54 An investigation of the utilisation of energy and water conservation technologies in Bahrain adminnewAugust 6, 2017 October 5, 2021
20:56 Assessing the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in the MENA Region adminnewDecember 6, 2021 December 6, 2021
19:37 Climate change, conflict and displacement: Disaster risk reduction in Sudan – Nuha Eltinay adminnewAugust 25, 2016 October 5, 2021
Watch LaterAdded 12:38 18 Years in the Newsroom: How the World Sees the Middle East and North Africa adminnewJuly 13, 2015 September 28, 20214.8K2
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewSeptember 19, 20217.9K40
Watch LaterAdded 04:33 8 Years old child speaking about her future and urging leaders to achieve the SDGs before 2030 adminnewOctober 29, 2021 October 29, 20217.7K14K
Watch LaterAdded 09:01 A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts adminnewJuly 9, 2015 September 29, 20216.7K6
A system wide approach to managing Covid-19, from a third world perspective – Dr. Mayada Abu Affan adminnewSeptember 22, 2020 September 26, 20213.8K0